The Hothouse Effect
Barton Kunstler wrote a book, The Hothouse Effect: Intensify Creativity in Your Organization Using Secrets from History's Most Innovative Communities. I haven't read the book (got it ordered), but I did read an article by the author "The Hothouse Effect: A Model for Change in Higher Education", On the Horizon, V 13 # 3, 2005. In his book he identifies 36 causative factors for innovative communities. In the article he selects nine factors for elaboration:
- Values are "lived" throughout the environment, rather than being imposed from above
- Members continually challenge and re-create the fundamental assumptions of their disciplines
- The group's mission aspires to universal, even cosmic, application
- Group members work closely with experts across disciplines and departments, and utilize many fields of knowledge when seeking solutions
- Practitioners use sensory and body-centered techniques to stimulate creativity
- Inquiry into fundamental principles of perception and learning are central to the group's work
- Surroundings are saturated with information and materials intended to stimulate idea development
- The community experiences sudden and rapid engagement with a much larger and more complex "meta-system" early in the hothouse cycle and is exhilarated by the subsequent possibilities without being overwhelmed by the larger system
- The community strives to create beauty in one form or another
This is worth more study
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